

The Two-Step is a fairly young dance and truly inspired by American heritage. Originally a version of the Waltz adopted in the mid-1840’s, The Two-Step gained popularity as music in the western parts of the U.S. changed to better suit it. It was an offspring of the minuet and they danced it as QQSS. In the old Western days when women were not allowed to dance with men, men danced together and that is the reason for the hand on the shoulder holding a can of beer and the other hand to the side. The only women who eventually danced with these men were Indian Squaws and that is where all the turns came about, because Indian women loved to spin. Two-step is a Western dance whose popularity has spread all over the United States.  Today, the most popular and notable version of the Two-Step was perfected in Texas in the early 1900’s and spread like wildfire to country western music-loving communities throughout the country.



  1. Alan Jackson- Don’t Rock the Jukebox
  2. Alabama- Forty Hour Week for a Living
  3. George Strait- Ocean Front Property
  4. Nitty Gritty Dirt Band- Fishing in the Dark
  5. Reba McEntire- Fancy



Two Step is known for being a thrill ride on the dance floor.  Leaders get to learn how to navigate smoothly on a crowded floor while followers develop their quick turns and spins.  As a partnership you learn how to have a strong connection with one another, which allows for every trick to be fun and flawless!