Top Ten Reasons to Come to Arthur Murray’s 4th of July Party

So Happy 4th of July Week Everyone! As most of you have seen, the studio is all jazzed up with red, white, and blue to get you into the patriotic mood. We are excited to see all of you at our 4th of July party this Friday (actually happening on the 6th of July), and just in case you are still needing some convincing, here are our top ten reasons why you should come party with us.

10.’Cause you know you want to wear those hot red pants you have hanging in your closet.

 9. You know our lovely 70 degree temperature is much more comfortable than the 100 degree weather outside.

8. You want to come to practice your star-spangled steps.

7. Because Hunter is going to sing us the National Anthem.

6. To see a mystery performance to Yankee Doodle Dandy.

5. To dance to “Red Solo Cup,” instead of just drinking from one.

4. To take shelter from the dangers of amateur firework displays.

3. ‘Cause we are way more fun than your annual family barbeque.

2. To ignite that spark between you and your spouse.

And to finish off the list here is your number one reason for coming this Friday.

Because deep down you know Arthur Murray Dance Studio is the best place on Earth!!!!!!!!

So just in case you didn’t  realize it already…we really want you to come party with us 🙂 Hope to see you there!

7:00 pm: Pre -Party Group Class: Cha Cha

7:45 pm: 4th of July Party