Anyone that has ever danced would probably agree that the mood-enhancing endorphins it releases should be reason enough.  After all, who can deny that the feeling of moving in synchronicity with the earth is intoxicating?

But is that all there is to it?  Why do we like dancing?  Why do we dance?

To answer this question, it helps to understand why our ancestors danced.

History tells us that, in ancient cultures, dance was a form of ritual or worship.  Early on, the discovery of dancing to music was incubating.  Imagine a tribal dance—a mass of bodies pulsing in unison to a percussive beat against the earth.  This image is not so different from that of a ballroom full of dancers flowing effortlessly around the floor, just like we dance today at our studio.  (Except that we don’t have a dirt floor and we don’t chant and pound drums to create our music, unless it’s festival.  🙂 For better or for worse, we’ve evolved.)

But isn’t the act alone enchanting enough to be worthy of itself, worship aside?

Over time, dancing progressed from the sacred altar to the secular courtyard, where it became a form of entertainment for the aristocra1cy.  (Did you know that Louis XIV is credited for establishing the first academy for dance, specifically ballet?)  Adding performance value brought a shiny new face to the concept of dancing. (Insert spray tan joke here!)  Along with commissioned musical performances came the royal appreciation of dance, empowering it with the dignity and social legitimacy needed to become its own true art form.  (Yay, dance!!!)  Okay—enough history.

Back to our original question: WHY DANCE?

Thankfully, there is no “right” answer to this question; here are a few heard lately:

Dancing helped me connect with my wife again.”

“I’ve lost a lot of pounds just having fun and literally dancing my butt off!”

“I can walk up to anyone with confidence, have a reason to talk to them and      say….let’s dance!”

“Dancing gives me the opportunity to express myself!!”

“My love of music has been amplified by the ability to move to it!”

The benefits are numerous, to say the least.  So if you’re asked, “Why dance?”

Simply reply, “Why not?”

Join us this week for a group class or party and share with us; why do you dance?

“We dance to the earth, we dance to the water.

Our hearts hear the song, our feet move along.

And to the music of our souls….WE DANCE!”